project : #0863
Subject 4,
The Agency of Project Intelligence Security has created a replica of the Syntec.net website in the style of how it was while it was online. This replica is of said website before the files were deleted by Nelson Syphus.
Because of this, some files are not what was observed from Megadesk. Though, each file was diligently created to give the closest possible experience of Syntec.net before it was infiltrated by Syphus. That being said, this website does not show any files that were not visible when the Subjects accessed it.
A.P.I.S. does not claim that these files are identical to what existed on the server, but they have been carefully replicated with the help of the files found on the Apple ][+.
Due to the method of creation, certain parts of the website past the hidden logo differ slightly. If you find yourself stuck at any of the points, please look for the closest 'enter' or 'ok' button, or contact the A.P.I.S. agent that provided you with this link.
While we took some liberty with the design of the Project J9873 file, all the information contained in said file is directly from the Project 863 videos.
If you have any questions, please contact the aforementioned A.P.I.S. representative.​
- A.P.I.S.